Page 26 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 26

Puzzles                                                   Coasters                                                  Application Gloves

                                                                                                                                 These Avery cotton gloves are suited
             Its surface is covered by a layer of                      You can customize coasters with
                                                                       pictures of family and friends for                        for easy and precise application of
             varnish, and due of it, the printing
                                                                       weddings, housewarmings and                               self-adhesive materials on various
             that is done in that surface offers vivid
                                                                       birthdays! Companies can also add a                       surfaces including vehicles. They are
             colors. It is a product perfect for gifts.
                                                                       little extra class to their board room by                 completely seamless with anti-static

                                                                       adding their logo or company name to                      properties and have excellent friction

                                                                       their coasters for all clients to see.                    resistance.
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